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     Society, by definition, is composed of people working together for a common purpose. But what if people, who are supposed to be your companion in making a better society, hold grudges and impose false accusations against you? How do you succeed in sustaining and developing a stable society? How do you deal with people like them, the judgmental people?

     Here's how...

1.) Befriend them
          - Know about their background to understand where they come from

2.) Talk about each others' strengths and weaknesses
          - Accept their flaws and never make it an advantage to judge them to avoid conflicts within each other

3.) Be honest with the group
          - Tell your oppositions, suggestions and opinions to communicate better and to avoid group conflicts

4.) Share ideas, thoughts and experiences
          - Share things with the group to know what you're thinking and to let them understand your past and experiences

5.) Make their judgments your motivation to change
          - If they continue to judge, just make their opinions about you your motivation to be better

6.) If they continue to judge you, don't mind and just continue doing what's right for you and for the society.
          - Their opinions won't make you any better. They would just ramble about your bad side. If I were you, I would just ignore and decide and do what's right for myself and for the society.

     A person's judgment about you doesn't make you who you are. People's judgments are proof that people are jealous of who you are and what you have. If you let this affect you, you may doubt yourself and maybe live for others' expectations, which you shouldn't.


  1. For in the same way you judge others, you too will be judged, and with the measure you use, it will be measured to you.

  2. Number 5, there's nothing wrong in changing but if their judgement about you is something that is not benificial for you or it can harm you, do not change. Change for yourself and not for others.

  3. This is wonderful and informative for me... πŸ‘


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