Red Falcons snatched the crown from Golden Lions for winning Dance Palabas 2019 during Asian College of Technology (ACT) Intramurals 2019 last November 29 at the ACT grounds.

Red Falcons showed a performance with the theme coming from a Netflix series, Money Heist.

Chrisha Tadios, Red Falcons member and main choreographer said, “The theme for our dance palabas was to form unity that was what the white cloth symbolizes at the end of our dance. I got this idea from the theme of Intramurals.”

She also stated during practices the main struggles were the schedules of the elementary and high school, but she was able to cope up through thinking positively, “When we were called out as champions, all the hard work and stress really paid off and I feel so happy and proud of me and of my team. Seeing that my work received such achievement I feel happy until now, the feeling is still there when I would think about it and I’m so thankful to God for this wonderful blessing.”

The members portrayed the characters such as the professor and his group of thieves.

Their team moderator, Nina Largo, said she was amazed, shocked and couldn’t contain her emotions during that time, “The struggle during practice was, first, the time because grades 1-3 had a different time schedule with the high school, 2nd was the age difference, high school students were difficult to deal with in terms with their attitude with their practices.”

Here is the Dance Palabas 2019 ranking:
Champion: Red Falcons
1st Place: Golden Lions
2nd Place: Blue Phoenix
3rd Place: Black Panthers
